Kristen Shaw

Kristen came to us to upgrade her self-designed Wix site into a three-pronged professional resume: Corporate Editor/Producer; Dancer (Competitor, Instructor, and Event Director); and Creator of all kinds of amazing stuff across a variety of platforms. Challenge accepted! Kristen was thrilled with the results.
Phoenix 4th of July

The team at P4J gave DIY their best shot, but when they realized they were in over their head, they started looking at event sites for a lead on a designer. They found Viva Design Studio’s link at the bottom of their favorite sites, so they contacted us. We did our thing, and the P4J ladies were delighted with the results.
Rose City Swing

Rose City Swing is a concept with one thing in mind: sharing our passion in dance. We are here to help spread the love, joy, and creative spirit of our community.
Philly Swing

Co-Event Directors Rob Baen & Sheila Purkey were in a spot when they lost access to their hosting accounts and eventually their event websites. We were able to retrieve most of the important content from the internet archives, and gave the entire Philly Swing website a significant design update, based on the framework we set up on In 2022, we took on the additional role of Social Media manager, creating video reels and still media for both FB and Instagram.
Freedom Swing

Co-Event Directors Rob Baen & Sheila Purkey were in a spot when they lost access to their hosting accounts and eventually their event websites. Following the same process we used to recreate and improve, we created a new website for Freedom Swing. In 2022, we took on the additional role of Social Media manager, creating video reels and still media for both FB and Instagram.
John Lindo

John Lindo was teaching and DJing at a cool NJ honky-tonk in the early days of Viva Design Studio. Over the years we talked about ideas for websites. In 2018, the time was finally right, and we did a redesign of John’s “personal brand” website. We found photos and wrote copy that captured the essence of John Lindo while providing visitors with pertinent information about John’s global appearances. It proved to be the first of many collaborations in the years that followed.
Austin Swing Dance Championships

Michigan Classic

Kendra Zara and Ward Roberts came to VDS with exciting news– they were the new event directors for Michigan Classic. Their concern: Could VDS create a brand new, fully functional website before tickets went on sale? Two weeks? Absolutely!
Summer Hummer

Kristen Shaw’s event empire now includes a revival Boston fav Summer Hummer! Great graphics and a sunny outlook are the driving themes behind this energetic website!
Charlotte WestieFest

As Rick Dauss’ Charlotte WestieFest event grew, so did his need for a new website. Using our Trilogy Swing design as a starting framework for the new website, Viva has been working toward the goal it holds for all our event websites– to make it a valuable resource for Rick as an Event Director, and for his dancers seeking insightful information about the event.